2024-25 Advanced Learning Appeal Process
By February 22, 2025:
- All SPS families will have access to their student’s Universal Screening results in the Source.
- If a student is found eligible, their family will receive an email from the Advanced Learning department.
A parent/guardian may file an appeal if their student is found to be ineligible for Advanced Learning and/or Highly Capable services. A formal appeal should be submitted in writing within 10 school days of receiving the Advanced Learning notice of eligibility.
How to Appeal
There are two types of appeals, conditional and identification. For both appeal types, an explanation and evidence/proof needs to be submitted along with the appeal form (available Feb. 19-March 7). There must be proof that there was either exceptional circumstances or missing objective or subjective criteria(s) during the Universal Screening process. Learn more about appeal types and see example appeals.
Parents/guardians must select one of the two options for their appeal. If the appeal does not fall into these two categories, the appeal will not be considered. Appeals based on a belief that the included assessment scores do not adequately show a need for AL services or student growth are not a valid appeal.
Steps to submit an appeal:
- Gather all documentation and proof.
- Submit one Appeal form per student (links below)
- Immediately after submitting the Appeal form, send all documentation and proof to
- In the subject line, please add “Appeal” for easy processing.
- Please submit all documentation/proof in one email
The Advanced Learning department will not accept additional information, documents, or appeals after March 7.
Appeal Forms
The 2024-25 Advanced Learning appeal window will open on Feb. 19.
What happens when a family submits an appeal?
The Multi-Disciplinary Placement Committee (MPC) will review each appeal form and record, deliberate, and provide a written decision to the parent/guardians within 25 school days of the receipt of the appeal form and all documentation and proof. The MPC will review one appeal per student, per year. The MPC’s decision is final.
Who is part of the MPC Appeal Committee?
Trained educators and other professional staff including:
- Special teacher (as defined in WAC 392-170-038) who has training, experience, advanced skills, and knowledge in the education of Highly Capable.
- Psychologist or other qualified practitioner with the training to interpret achievement test results.
- A certificated coordinator/administrator with responsibility for the supervision of the district’s program for Highly Capable students; and
- Additional professionals, if any, that the Advanced Learning department deems desirable.
Appeal Types and Examples
Conditional Appeal
A condition or circumstance is believed to have caused inaccurate or unavailable objective and/or subjective criteria during the Universal Screening
- Example 1: My student was sick for the entire window of Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment, and this was verified by a doctor’s note and principal letter.
- Example 2: My student’s iPad was taken by another student during the assessment. This was reported immediately to the teacher, who along with the principal verified the situation.
- Example 3: The Demonstrated Performance Tool (DPT) or MAP assessment was not completed for my child, and I did not opt out. The DPT information can be found in your student eligibility notification letter.
- Example 4: My student now has an IEP/504 plan, we experienced difficulty getting this in place.
Identification Appeal
There was a mistake in the data used by the AL MPC for identification which caused the student to be ineligible for services.
- Example: The teaching staff verify that the assessment data was incorrectly uploaded into the system.
Where is the appeal form?
The appeal form will be available February 19-March 7 and can be found in the following places:
- This webpage!
- In the notice of eligibility letter sent to families
- The Source
- Upon request, the appeal form can be emailed to families. Contact or 206-252-0130.
- Hard copies will be available at John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence, 2445 3rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98134